Review Review

If you’re trying to meet someone new There’s a possibility that you’ll be struggling to find a dating site you feel is legit and will be able bring you the love they’ve always wanted. It’s understandable, there are hundreds to thousands of dating websites available and it’s difficult and expensive to look through them all just for one to work for you.

Newer to the online dating scene is a site called Since its launch in 2003, the site claims to be geared towards those searching for sexy dates with local ladies.

But, do they actually arrive? Or, will you be losing your time and money for joining?

If you’re curious as to the effectiveness of, then this review is for you.

The Bottom Line: TL;DR Need to catch up on this review? Not a problem! The conclusion is that the site may work, but it’s not my most preferred dating site. If you’re looking for the best network I would recommend using to meet singles who are looking for sexual intimacy and nothing else.follow the link is sofiadate a scam At our site This network is worth a test before you try any other.

In Search of Singles Who Make First Impressions

It’s not clear why however, webmasters for sexually-motivated dating sites often use the same layouts, colors and overall appearance for these websites. We all know what I’m speaking about-the black and red color scheme. The tiny angel-horned, devilishly beautiful hearts, half or full-length women across the pages that are trying to lure you in. is refreshingly different. It doesn’t shout „Join Now and Get Laid“ however, they do keep things more demure…at at least for the first time. The landing page is white, blue, pink, and has an attractive woman, but generally, it’s a boring look.

Do I need to be registered?

Yep, you’re going to have to register to look on This isn’t something new, every dating site nowadays requires you sign up prior to accessing their services. It’s a breeze and fast.

In the beginning, you’ll have to give some basic information about yourself, including your username, password, gender, what you’re looking for also your zip code to ensure that you are in contact with locals. Once you’ve done that you’ll get an email to confirm your identity. click on the link and you’re on the way to joining.

How Do I Search on

The great thing about is that there aren’t huge biographies or questions to answer.

They like to keep their messages short and sweet providing basic information along with an image so the reader can envision who likely to meet with.

It’s also possible to do some research to find the perfect match for you however, that option is a small amount more limited to issues like age, hair color, and the body type.

Site Features

Whether you’ve used a dating site before, or not, makes it easy to use their site and they offer up some great features for their members.

They include:

  •  Chatting – Chatting is how you get the ball rolling and makes it easy and fun to chat to potential matches. You can also send stickers and upload pictures of yourself as well as utilize the Conversation starters that the site provides if you’re certain of how to start.

  •  Match Game – We’ve all seen this sort of thing on other dating websites and you can look at photographs of other members and you decide if „like“ them or if they’re an „X“ from your perspective. This allows the site to know more about what draws you on, which improves the recommendations for you. Also, it’s a good way to pass some time when you’re bored.

  •  Visitors – If you’re a paid member, you’ll see whom has visited your profile.

If you’d like to have more options, you’ll be required to upgrade to a paid membership.

What’s the Cost of The Site?

Before you choose paying for a membership, I recommend that you sign up for the free version. It will provide you with a general understanding of the site and the members, after which you can decide on upgrading. If you choose to upgrade, this is what it will cost you:

  •  Silver Membership-$12.95 due monthly

  •  Gold Membership-$10.95/month billed quarterly

  •  Platinum Membership-$8.95/month billed semi-annually

A membership upgrade gives you additional features, such as:

  •  Access to unlimited accessibility to My Favorites

  •  Access to media galleries

  •  Information for visitors

If you’re only interested in chat, think about buying credits. The price is as follows:

  •  5 credits-$4.99

  •  10 credits-$14.99

  •  25 credits-$34.99

  •  50 credits-$64.99

  •  100 credits-$119.99

  •  200 credits-$199.99

These payments won’t be automatic like a monthly membership, instead it’ll be made like a normal purchase, and you’ll be required to purchase more.

Honestly, the best way to go with is to get an upgraded, paid membership. It grants you the most ability to access the website and women who use It, which is the thing we all want. accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and JCB as payment.

Pros over. Pros and Cons of Looking For Singles

Every dating site has its good and its bad points, including If you’re searching for a relationship website, you’re bound to find one that has more good than bad. Here are the pros and cons of using


  •  Live-chatting

  •  Simple to utilize

  •  A significant number of members

  •  Scam-free and secure

  •  Premium profiles

  •  Well-established

  •  Private profiles


  •  Mobile apps are not available.

  •  No identity verification

  •  Payment methods are not anonymous.

  •  Do not report fake or spam profiles.

Here is something I want to disclose because I want you to know all there is about before you join. This offers one (of many or even the biggest) dating sites that makes use of fake profiles made through the firm. The majority of dating sites do similar things and it’s all mentioned in their service terms.

There are a few motives why dating sites do this-primarily to keep people talking and on the site. It is perfectly legal so the information is made public. No matter if you don’t read the terms that govern the site or otherwise, this information will be still there. You’ll soon learn about the characteristics of these profiles (they are all beautiful and speak in the same way but never meet you, etc.) They aren’t worth your time and get the genuine profiles.

The Final Verdict on

We live in a world where there are more dating sites available than ever. The world is truly spoiled in this sense! With so many options, is the site really worth your time? Or is it one of those sites you’d rather stay clear of?

I would say that is an adult dating site that you should definitely check out. It’s inexpensive, simple to use, have many members, and are reputable in the present world of modern dating. I have this in my collection and can recommend you try it out, especially for those no-strings-attached types of occasions where you require an instant, „wham, bam, thank you ma’am“ kind of meetup.